
Welcome to HiGFXback with the X11 graphics backend!


Getting started

Components running on X11 graphics backend are based on Xlib with libX11.so library for the communication with Xorg server, and twm window manager is started.

Note that components running on X11 graphics backend can also be based on XCB with libxcb.so library for the communication with Xorg server.

If the current graphics backend used on HiGFXback is not X11, switch on it with startx11 command. Select one of the following graphics driver interface available on HiGFXback and used by Xorg server for the display:

But depending on the platform, it’s possible to use specific graphics driver interfaces, possibly with hardware accelerated graphic rendering support, based on the Xorg Device Dependent X (DDX) module architecture.

When starting on X11 graphics backend with startx11 command, select one of the following input driver interface available on HiGFXback and used by Xorg server for managing the keyboard:

and for managing the mouse:

But depending on the input peripheral, it’s possible to use specific input driver interfaces based on the Xorg input module architecture.


When starting on X11 graphics backend, xterm terminal emulator is displayed. System informations about X11 settings can be get with xdpyinfo.

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Programs running on X11 graphics backend using Xlib are available as examples, tests or benchmarks.

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Programs running on X11 graphics backend using XCB are available as examples, tests or benchmarks.

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Vulkan rendering

For display rendering with X11 graphics backend, Vulkan implementation in libvulkan.so library (loading library from Vulkan-Loader) and its ICD (Installable Client Driver) relies on Xlib WSI or XCB WSI interfaces.

On HiGFXback, Xlib WSI or XCB WSI interfaces (Window System Integration for X11) are used with one of the following ICD selected with VK_ICD_FILENAMES environment variable:

But depending on the platform, specific ICD can be used.

Vulkan-Tools, Vulkan-Examples, vkcube2 and yagears2 programs are available as examples, tests or benchmarks.

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OpenGL rendering

For display rendering with X11 graphics backend, OpenGL implementation in libGL.so library, but also OpenGL ES 1.1 CM implementation in libGLESv1_CM.so library and OpenGL ES 2.0 implementation in libGLESv2.so library, rely on GLX or EGL for X11 interfaces.

Loading libraries can be used:


On HiGFXback, GLX interfaces (OpenGL extension for Xlib) are used with one of the following implementation selected with alternatives-GL command:

But depending on the platform, specific implementation can be used.

mesa-demos and yagears programs are available as examples, tests or benchmarks.

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EGL for X11

On HiGFXback, EGL for X11 interfaces (through Xlib or XCB) are used with one of the following implementation selected with alternatives-GL command:

But depending on the platform, specific implementation can be used.

mesa-demos and yagears programs are available as examples, tests or benchmarks.

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Drawing libraries


On HiGFXback, Cairo interfaces for X11 graphics backend are provided by libcairo.so library.

cairo-demos programs are available as examples, tests or benchmarks.

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On HiGFXback, Evas interfaces for X11 graphics backend are provided by libevas.so library.

expedite program is available as examples, tests or benchmarks.

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Multimedia frameworks


On HiGFXback, FFmpeg interfaces for X11 graphics backend are provided by libavformat.so, libavcodec.so, libswscale.so libraries and rely on libavdevice.so library for output.

ffmpeg program is available as example.

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On HiGFXback, GStreamer interfaces for X11 graphics backend are provided by:

and rely on libgstximagesink.so plugin for output.

gst-launch-0.10 program is available as example on GStreamer 0.10.

gst-launch-1.0 program is available as example on GStreamer 1.

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On HiGFXback, Xine interfaces for X11 graphics backend are provided by libxine.so library and rely on xineplug_vo_out_xshm.so plugin for output.

xine-ui program is available as example.

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Ida, FEH

Xpdf-Poppler, MuPDF

mpv, MPlayer

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Graphics abstraction layers


On HiGFXback, GLUT (openGL Utility Toolkit) interfaces running on X11 graphics backend are provided by one of the following implementation selected with alternatives-glut command:

For OpenGL rendering, note that EGL for X11 interfaces can also be used internally by GLUT implementations instead of GLX interfaces.

mesa-demos and yagears programs are available as examples, tests or benchmarks.

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On HiGFXback, SDL (Simple Directmedia Layer) interfaces running on X11 graphics backend are provided by:

For OpenGL rendering, note that EGL for X11 interfaces can also be used internally by SDL instead of GLX interfaces.

SDL-test and yagears programs are available as examples, tests or benchmarks on SDL 1.

SDL2-test and yagears2 programs are available as examples, tests or benchmarks on SDL 2.

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On HiGFXback, GLFW (Graphics Library FrameWork) interfaces running on X11 graphics backend are provided by libglfw.so library.

For OpenGL rendering, note that EGL for X11 interfaces can also be used internally by GLFW instead of GLX interfaces.

GLFW-examples and yagears2 programs are available as examples, tests or benchmarks.

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User interface toolkits


Graphical user interfaces can rely on GTK+ (Gimp ToolKit) using the port for X11 graphics backend. Web rendering can then rely on WebKitGTK+, a port of the WebKit browser engine for GTK+.

On HiGFXback, GTK+ interfaces running on X11 graphics backend are provided by:

For OpenGL rendering, note that EGL for X11 interfaces can also be used internally by GTK+ instead of GLX interfaces.

gtk-demo, gtk-tests, gtkperf and yagears programs are available as examples, tests or benchmarks.

On HiGFXback, WebKitGTK+ interfaces for GTK+ with X11 graphics backend are provided by:

For WebGL rendering, note that EGL for X11 interfaces can also be used instead of GLX interfaces.

GtkLauncher program is available as example.

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Graphical user interfaces can rely on Qt (Q toolKit) using the port for X11 graphics backend. Web rendering can then rely on QtWebKit, a port of the WebKit browser engine for Qt.

On HiGFXback, Qt interfaces running on X11 graphics backend are provided by:

For OpenGL rendering, note that EGL for X11 interfaces can also be used internally by Qt instead of GLX interfaces.

qtdemo, qt-examples, qtperf and yagears programs are available as examples, tests or benchmarks.

On HiGFXback, QtWebKit interfaces for Qt with X11 graphics backend are provided by:

For WebGL rendering, note that EGL for X11 interfaces can also be used instead of GLX interfaces.

QtTestBrowser program is available as example.

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Graphical user interfaces can rely on EFL (Enlightenment Foundation Libraries) with Elementary using the port for X11 graphics backend.

On HiGFXback, EFL with Elementary interfaces running on X11 graphics backend are provided by libelementary.so library.

For OpenGL rendering, note that EGL for X11 interfaces can also be used internally by EFL with Elementary instead of GLX interfaces.

elementary-test, elementary-examples and yagears programs are available as examples, tests or benchmarks.

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ffplay multimedia player

qemu machine emulator

midori web browser

qupzilla web browser

BillardGL, gtktetris, pinball games

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